The GACTS of Life ~ Part 2
The PWPP will host Boomer Zoomer MeetUps on Zoom, Fridays 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 pm ,1 1⁄2 hours, once a week for three months (90 days), beginning on Feb. 19th. Block calendar and reassess after 12 sessions. Cover the material in the PlayBook Chapters, and PlayShop Members will gain clarity, focus, and direction on their WHY, Vision, Mission, Who, Differentiate, Message/Mantra, set goals, explore tactics, potential collaborators and partners and be ready to communicate their purpose online and in social media.
TODAY is the day for our Boomer Zoomer MeetUp, and it's FREE!
Join some awesome
Chronologically Gifted Women Creatives
as we un-bamboozle our brains,
and go from
with our online and social media Presence.
Register to get the Zoom link by clicking through the image.
CoCreate ~ Communicate ~ IGNITE Change
The CoCreation Community
Post on Profile (Monday/Thursday)
Post on CCC Page (Monday;Boost Post)
Post in PWPP Group (Monday/Thursday)
Post in Thriving Women in Biz Group (Wed.)
To PWPP Members (Sunday)
To list (Tuesday)
Reminder to Members & List (Thursday)
Reminder with Zoom link (Friday Noon)