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A Community of Writers

Thoreau spent two years in a secluded cabin to write his memoirs, Virginia Woolf spoke of the essential room of one’s own, and Philip Roth wrote an entire novel in a single room at Yaddo. A silent and comfortable space, apart from daily distractions, allows you to become fully immersed in your work and lets your higher brain take over. However, works of literature do not exist in a vacuum; they belong to a literary tradition and to a contemporary literary scene. For a writer to connect with an audience of readers, they must find their place among other authors and their works. The right balance between community and solitude is crucial to the writing process.

While solitude may be the ideal state for producing work, writers, like all artists, depend on community for feedback, support and guidance. Spending time with other writers, whether virtually or in-person, is vital to the process, especially in second draft and editing stages. CoCreation Community makes it easy for writers to establish these connections with each other to improve their work and find their target audience.

Designating the time and space to focus on your work can be critical to your sense of fulfillment and to accomplishing your goals as a writer. Time spent at the keyboard or with your pen should be your top priority as a writer, but time spent connecting with other writers and readers holds importance as well. Let our team at CoCreation Community help you strike the balance and produce your best work.

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